
Colleagues and killjoys,

It is with sadness that I announce that I have resigned from my post at Goldsmiths. It is not the time to give a full account of how I came to this decision. In a previous post, I described some of the work we have been doing on sexual harassment within universities. Let me just say that I have resigned in protest against the failure to address the problem of sexual harassment. I have resigned because the costs of doing this work have been too high.

This decision was difficult. The Centre for Feminist Research has been a lifeline and a shelter. We have together created a space within the institution that has been a space to breathe. It has been a space that is not populated by the same old bodies.

I want to thank in particular all the students I have been lucky enough to work with especially those who participated in the Feminist Postgraduate Forum and the Sexism Working Group. I read your letter, and I was filled once again with a sense of hope for feminist futures.

Resignation is a feminist issue.

I hope to write a post with this title once I have had time to reflect on what has happened and what has not happened.

Sometimes we have to leave a situation because we are feminists. Wherever I am, I will be a feminist. I will be doing feminism. I will be living a feminist life. I will be chipping away at the walls.

In solidarity,


About feministkilljoys

feminist killjoy, affect alien, angry queer woman of colour
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82 Responses to Resignation

  1. Pingback: We Want Truth – wewanttruthgoldsmiths

  2. Pingback: Our demands – We Want Truth, Goldsmiths

  3. Pingback: A Love Letter to Feminist Killjoys, Angry Black Women, Unhappy Queers, and Melancholic Migrants – SLUTEVER

  4. Pingback: Give the Sussex lecturer the sack and some care | Wurld Powur

  5. Pingback: Resignation is a Feminist Issue | feministkilljoys

  6. Pingback: Sexual Violence At The Sociology Conference | Conditionally Accepted

  7. Pingback: Happiness shapes what coheres as the world | JohnHillman

  8. Pingback: some links – thesis blog 2016-2017

  9. Pingback: A Feminist Army | feministkilljoys

  10. Justine says:

    Your blog came up in conversation the other day, and somehow I found this page. The phrase “resignation is a feminist issue” resonated with me, because I did, too. Though there are still times that I question my decision and second guess myself, despite almost two years of therapy and finally finding another job, I know that it was the only choice I had to empower myself in that situation. The decision almost broke me. Now, watching the final months of campaigns in the U.S., I know that I am still not alone, and these are treacherous waters. This is my story. .

  11. Pingback: Living a Feminist Life – Sara Ahmed | Full Stop

  12. Pingback: Killjoys@Work | feministkilljoys

  13. Pingback: Snap! | feministkilljoys

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  19. Pingback: Editors’ Choice: Distant Reading after Moretti

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  21. Pingback: Confrontation? | feministkilljoys

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  23. Pingback: Refusal, Resignation and Complaint | feministkilljoys

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